Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I'd wanted a disc cutter and dapping block for a long time. If you don't know, a disc cutter will let you punch out circles from sheets of silver. And the dapping block will let you shape the discs into hemispheres.
The least expensive dapping block I could find was at Harbor Freight at $35. When it went on sale for $22.99 I snapped it up. (There it is on the left.)
BUT IT LOOKED SO COOL ON MY SHELF! And it works very well.
Next step was to find a disc cutter.

I was pretty happy at first, but it didn't last for long. After the first 6 or so punches, it wasn't cutting very well. Every disc had to be trimmed and filed. I started hating using it. In fact, I started to avoid using it. And after a very short period of time, it started to rust.

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Labels: jewelry making
Monday, December 14, 2009

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Thursday, December 3, 2009
Buy yourself a bench pin. Either with a V cut out, or cut it out yourself. They are invaluable.
Expect to break a lot of blades and don't get upset. Just make sure you buy lots of them. Dozens. Really.
The saw blade should be tight in the saw. I start by inserting the blade on the side of the saw opposite from the handle, and tighten the screw. Then I push the handle into the middle of my rib cage and press (ow), insert the other side of the blade and tighten the screws.
When you quickly pull and release the blade, it should "ping" . (If it doesn't, unscrew the blade, press the handle harder into your ribcage, and insert that blade in the saw taunt.)
The teeth of the blade should point down and out. If you can't see them, you can run your finger against the blade to make sure they're pointing the right way. (Now that you've checked, go back and reinsert your blade the right way.)
When sawing, remember to let the teeth of the saw do the work. Do not push the saw
When sawing, keep the saw straight and not angle it.
Most of the progress in sawing is made on the downward stroke. But it's easier to start your cut by bringing the blade up than down.
When cutting a circle or pattern, move the metal sheet, not the blade.
Use long, even strokes instead of short, quick ones. It will cut much quicker that way. EXCEPT when sawing a corner/angle. Then saw in place with short quick cuts and move the metal sheet, not the blade.
Lubricating your blade often. (I use bee's wax, but there are other products available.)
Read every article you can, on how to use a jeweler's saw.
Remember, it WILL get easier. And, who knows, you might even find that it's fun!
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Labels: jewelry making
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
For the longest time, I feared the jewelry saw and I avoided using one. But it you want to do metalwork, you're eventually going to need to saw some metal!
My first feeble attempts at sawing resulted in many broken saw blades. Even trying to saw out a simple figure was difficult. My circles were misshappen, my ovals were eggshaped, and my squares turned out as quadrilaterals.
So I decided that if I couldn't make a simple geometric shape, I better try something different. Fluid forms might not be too bad - I could disguise the fact that I couldn't cut a straight line. And they're pretty interesting and make the back of a pendant seem a little bit different.
So I started cutting out wavy patterns on the backs of my pendants. After a while this got easier and I began to break fewer saw blades.The other day, I bought the cabochon you see on the right. To me, the pattern of the stone looks like trees on a mountainside, with misty hills in the background. I planned to bezel-set this stone in a pendant, and as I soldering the bezel in place, I suddenly got an idea: I would saw out the back of the bezel in the shape of a leaf!
For someone who'd never sawed anything more intricate than some rounded shapes, that was a pretty daring idea.
So I took my sharpie, drew a leaf, chose my blades, and began sawing away.
And this is what I got:(Look ma, it took only 6 blades!)
Let me tell you, I learned a lot by just doing this and I've gotten pretty comfortable with my jeweler's saw.
The pendant is still a work in progress but I promise to post some pics when it's finally done.
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Labels: jewelry, jewelry making