Friday, April 30, 2010

Butterfly Wings - Earrings with Red Creek Jasper

I've been in a frenzy of activity lately.  It must be the springtime as well as the longer days that help bring me out of the doldrums of winter.

I bought these Red Creek Jasper cabs over a year ago, set them as earrings almost 6 months ago, and only photographed them this week!

But now they're finally ready to emerge, like the butterflies that they resemble.

In lovely shades of pinks and reds with touches of yellow and rust, these cabochons are not only shaped like butterfly wings, but they also seemingly have the delicate veining seen in many butterfly wings!

I could't bear to set them in anything but a sleek and contemporary setting.  The stones are just so spectacular, that any embellishments would just detract from them.  Then I hung the wing-like cabs from flowing earwires, so that they almost seem to be fluttering around your ears.

More photos can be found here.


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  1. Gorgeous stones and settings ~ I drool over the stones you have lol!!

  2. gosh that is one long process! beautiful results though! I do that sometimes. Start something, then ages down the lines get it done... then eventually get pictures of it! lol! now at least was the right moment :) they're beautiful!

  3. Those are lovely, and perfectly named!

  4. ..and no butterflies were harmed in their creation!


  5. Absolutely gorgeous!

  6. sweet summertime earrings! nice job!

  7. These are stunning!
