Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chocolates and Pistachios - Prenhite Ring

Like I wrote in my blog a few days ago, I've been busy lately.  This past weekend, I went through my bowl where I keep all my cabochons and this particular stone called.

It's weird.  I'm sure I've owned this cab for over a year, and I've ignored it.  But suddenly it insisted to be made into a ring.

One half of this particular stone is Prehnite in a luscious pistachio green and the other half is a chocolate-colored matrix.  I loved the stark contrast when I first saw this stone, and I though it needed (wanted?) to be set in a clean modern setting. 

But I couldn't resist adding a little extra detail;  so I created a band to evokes an Art Nouveau feel. And, of course, dragonflies are often themes in Art Nouveau - so my stamp fits right in!

(Those little curlicues in the band were the hardest part.  They just didn't want to stay soldered in place at first.  But I eventually throttled them into submission.)

More photos of the ring can be found here.

Today I've been taking photos of more new stuff and I hope to post more on my blog and in my Etsy shop in the next few days.  But I'll also have a new post on MooShu. 

Because of the winter cold weather, he hasn't gotten a haircut in the past several months and his coat has gotten really long.  Because the weather has gotten warmer, he seems to be really hot. Although his water bowl is kept filled, he still pants a lot.  So tonight, we're taking drastic measures. 

The shampoo is out, the shears are ready, and the camera is fully charged!

All we have to do is catch him!

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  1. nice bold lines. the half chocolate and half pistachio thing is makin me hungry tho!

    happy birthday, by the way!!! i wish you a gem of a day! you truly are an inspiration to me.
    always, hope

  2. The colours of that stone really appeal to me. I'm going to search for cabochons here in my country too. You make me want to do that..... :-)
    And happy birhtday from me too. I wish you all the happyness, health and love in the world.

  3. Beautiful work! I love the story behind your newest ring!

  4. Gorgeous and Very Art Nouveau with the clean, simple lines embellished with a few carefully placed notches and those lovely swirls.

  5. Thanks very much. I love this stone. I have a similar one that is bigger and oval. Right now the inspiriation isn't there to set it properly.

    But I'm trying to figure out how you guys knew it was my birthday! Thanks for the birthday wishes

  6. i love that you use such strong lines around the band. it really does set off the gemstone. beautiful work

  7. This ring is absolutely gorgeous!

    I hope you have a very happy birthday! :D

  8. noticed your post in the etsy forums. thought i'd stop by and wish you a very happy birthday ;) nice ring too!

  9. The ring is just lovely! Love the cabochon and your concept with the band. Adore the well placed notches!

    Happy Birthday!

  10. Love the cab and setting - beautiful piece.
