Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mutt Strut for the Humane Society at the Indianapolis Speedway

This past weekend Indianapolis featured  annual Mutt Strut  which  benefits the Humane Society.   You get to walk your dogs on the Indianapolis 500 Speedway.

These photos are from our local paper.  And even though it was raining, it looks like the participants, both 2 legged and 4 legged, had a great time.

I missed out this year.  But  next year, MooShu and Indy will definitely need to participate.

And yes, there is nothing "so ugly I'm cute"  than a Chinese Crested Hairless.  Except maybe one decked out in rain gear.  


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1 comment:

  1. That is a really great idea! I wish they had something like that here in Utah. Hmm... maybe a suggestion is in order.
