Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Druzy Ring on my workbench right now. Oh, and other stuff.

Both my day job and new commisions I've been working on have kept me pretty busy.  Plus my daughter is graduating from eighth grade, so there are all kinds of activities there. (Rehearsals, recitals, plays, and parties - oh my!) 

It seems like there's just never enough time in the day.

In the midst of it all, I was cleaning up my workbench and found a stray cab that I had forgotten about.  And all of a sudden - probably because it was feeling neglected - it DEMANDED to be made into a ring.

I'd bought this dainty pink rhodochrosite a while ago without knowing what I was going to do with it - but it was too pretty to pass up.  It was patiently waiting for me, until inspiration knocked me upside the head and told me what I was supposed to do with it.

Seriously, this is the way it seems to work with me.  An sudden idea.  A few drawings to get the idea on paper.  But then after the drawings,  I still have to figure out how to make the design work with silver and solder.

This juicy pink druzy is going to be part of a floral motif on a ring.  I'm going to pair it with a small blue topaz which is going to be the center of a flower.  I've also got some ideas on adding some depth to the petals and the leaves - different than I've done before. 

I hope to have some time to work on it through the week and will try to post some photos as it progresses.


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1 comment:

  1. omg! it's THE druzy! can't wait to see what you design. i think i'm already in love! i need to *budget* that one in too! ;)
