Thursday, May 13, 2010

Appalachian Morn Pendant III - Prudent Man Agate

I've just been fascinated by this particular stone. The detail is amazing. I've had people look at a cabochon and tell me that they can't believe that it's a stone and not a painting.

Because I liked these agates so much I started buying cabs whenever I could. But lately, two things have happened: 1. It's getting more difficult to find cabs 2. The price has gone through the roof.

The stone is mined in Oregon and the owners of the land no longer allow mining  (at least that's one of the stories I've heard.)  so there  is no more new stone to be had.  Only the earlier mined slabs are available right now.

This is the third agate that I've set and this one is a beauty.  Each has been in a different setting but, because I was inspired by the forest scene in each stone, I've always cut a leaf pattern into the back of the settings.

I just listed this necklace tonight and it can be found in my Etsy shop.   (More pictures are there.)

But you may ask, where did the name, Prudent Man come from?   I've wondered myself and just found out. (All hail google!)  The name "Prudent Man" is a reference to a clause in the 1872 mining law that states a claim can only be filed on a lode or vein that a prudent man could earn a living from by working it.


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  1. i can almost imagine myself in the field of grass! i see how those stones are addicting. you can get lost in studying all the different patterns. and that leaf cutout is amazing!

  2. Thanks.

    There are also some Prudent Man agates with more rust colored "foliage". They look a little more autumny. I have a couple of those but I'm saving them to create some pieces to offer in the fall.

    Personally, I prefer these greener scenes.

  3. I love this pendant and the leaf cutout on the back is fabulous! You are so creative! Thank you for hosting my entrecard ad today!
