Monday, February 8, 2010

Where in the world is Contrariwise?

There's 9 inches of snow back home in Indiana. (Nothing compared to Washington DC, of course). Another 10 inches is expected tonight. But where in the world is Contrariwise????

Can you guess?

I'll be back home tomorrow.  With photos of some great cabs I've recently bought.


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  1. I am jealous of contrariwise because of where I assume she is. It IS February, after all. I'll bet she is where every other jewelry artist in the world Wants to be right now!

    Can't wait to see those cabs! :)

  2. It was 70 degrees, sunny, and GORGEOUS!

    Too bad I had to come home.

  3. Yes, I also assumed you were in Tucson...
    Well, it certainly was worth your while judging by todays amazing cabs!
    BTW, in your opinion who were the best sellers of note?

  4. AZ? omg how fun! and what a sweet horsey head (almost as cute as mooshu).

    now go forth and create...

  5. Speaking of creating, I will be away every single weekend for a month. What lost opportunities!

    But I got a reprieve. I was supposed to leave on a business trip to NYC tomorrow, but all flights have been cancelled! They are in the midst of a blizzard with 2 feet of snow expected.

    I get to stay home with my family this weekend! Yay!
