Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bead Porn! Ring-sized cabachons.

Hello.  My name is Contrariwise and I have an addiction.

I admit it. When it comes to beautiful stones, I just can't seem to get enough. I would like to stop buying cabochons, but no matter how hard I try, I can't.

I have too many, enough to make rings and pendants and brooches to last me through the end of the year. But when a beautiful cab calls, I still answer.

Below are just a few of the cabs I have. (Click on the pic and it should bring up a larger image.)   These are all ring-size and I plan to set them in the near future. Until I set them, though, they are available for custom orders in a design or size that you want.

If you see one that you like, let me know. Also check out my shop (and my recent sales) for examples of my work.

Look to my next post where I'll feature larger cabs that would be perfect for cocktail rings or small pendants.

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  1. Hello, My name is Susan and I am addicted to lovely stones as well. I enjoyed sneaking a peak at your bead porn, thanks for sharing and further feeding my addiction....I might share some of my own soon. Have a great vacation, we are cold, windy, and snowy here across the border in IL, but nothing like on the east coast.

  2. I love bead porn...gorgeous stones. Thanks for visiting my blog...the "man in the moon" is sold...thanks.

  3. OH so you are the one who snatched up that pink druzy! It's lovely...I was so tempted . Anxious to see what you do with it! PS - love your shot!

  4. I couldn't resist it! I don't think I'd ever seen a natural pink druzy before. (You know, one that wasn't dyed.) The color is just exquisite.

  5. Oh, what beautiful stones you have! My addiction is fabric!

  6. Those are all stunning! I can sympathize with your addiction!

  7. Annette,
    Admitting to your addiction is the first step to recovery.


  8. Sadly, I'm addicted to both fabric and stones. I just picked up a thrift store leather skirt to refashion into a
    handbag ha! Nancy, in snowy NJ

  9. GORGEOUS!!! I LOVE stones so much but am limiting myself to beads. I haven't mastered the cab setting technique yet and don't want to waste money on practicing right now. :)

  10. Bead porn! lol! fab title! my eyes popped when i saw it lol! but i agree, anything the earth can create as beautiful and timeless as a gemstone is something you just have to be in awe about. i mean that morgan hill poppy jasper is amazing! i love stones! :D

  11. My heart is beating so fast...the Priday Plume is breathtaking. And the morrisonite & morgan hill jaspers are incredible. Yummy! You're very lucky to have scored these beauties. ;-)

  12. Stacie,

    That Priday Plume has a miniature underwater scene going on inside of it! There are corals and grasses waving around. I bought it on the internet and when I received it I was shocked at how lovely in person it is. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to part with it.

    Same for the Morgan Hill. When I saw the photo, I thought that the stone couldn't possibly be that beautiful. But when it arrived, it was and more! It has a vintage feel to it.

  13. i'm guessing you're on the back of a horse...?

    (i'm addicted too, but the only thing i could use cabs for are cat toys)

  14. Hope,
    Yes, and on a Pima Indian Reservation outside of Phoenix. My daughter had a gymnastics meet there this past weekend.

    Got back on Sunday to 8 inches of snow and we had another 6 inches today.


  15. what a nice place to do cartwheels!
