Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jewelry tutorials: Why I write them

Yesterday I wrote about some criticism that I received from a fellow jewelry maker about writing jewelry tutorials and giving away "trade secrets".

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful support I received from you. Wow. You guys rock!

Why do I write tutorials? I guess I like to share. Sometimes it's taken a long time to figure out how to do a certain technique and I've learned it through trial and error. I'm proud when I finally master it, and I want to share. Perhaps in doing so, people won't have to make the same mistakes I made.

AND it give me a great feeling when someone finds my work inspiring and my tutorials useful.

So I want to share with you an e-mail I got a couple of days ago. Jozie took the time to write this wonderful message to me, which made my day. THIS is the reason I write tutorials.

I got a follow-up message from her that she just listed her first pair of wire earrings. Please go check them out at her shop, Jewelry by Jozie.

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  1. Hey girl don't quit doing what you do! It is of great benefit to us out here who still can't afford to buy tutorials or go to expensive classes. I love your blog and all the so called trade secrets you give away. I can only hope to be as good a blogger as you are,

  2. Something like this email would make my day also!!

  3. lol. Her husband might not be thanking me when she starts ordering $500 of silver at a time, like I do.

  4. Since you are in a sharing mood, maybe someday you could share some of your sources to buy supplies from? I know of some but I always like to know where others get their supplies from.

  5. Thanks again for your great tutorials and all the encouragement you've given me. My fiance is already dreading the trips to the craft store and hardware store for all the new supplies I'm going to need. Every time I show him a new pair of earrings, he just groans. According to him, my jewelry addiction is worse than his World of Warcraft addiction (I have to point out that at some point, I could actually make some money of my addiction however lol).
    Thanks again!

  6. Catheryne,

    Thanks for the suggestion for a future post.

    In the meantime, might I suggest you visit the forums at Etsy and do a search. I know there have been lots of threads on this topic.

  7. WaHEYYYYyyyyyy hi! I'm looking for the herringbone weave (wire wrap) tutorial, specifically a video, do you know of any??? (I posted on Etsy, one person replied about the tut I DO have, one from Eni's page) looking for further more in depth instructions :0) Help???
