Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving from Etsy

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Today, I thought I would feature a few of the many Thanksgiving-related creations on Etsy. Each image is linked to the corresponding Etsy shop. Just click on it to bring you there.

EatonWeb Blog Directory


  1. oh my gosh! what great Picks! I can't decide what is cuter, have to go look again lol- good eye ;)

  2. very cute, especially the turkey lady.

  3. great picks. love the lampwork bead and the mini turkey charm, soo cute.

    happy thanksgiving.

  4. My daughter Emma picked them!

    AND she learned how to insert pics in a blog and link them to a website. Isn't she clever!

  5. Love what you picked, I especially like the lampwork bead. Thank you for treating us to some not fattening turkey. Hope you day was a good one.
