Sunday, May 18, 2008

The search for bead shops in Barcelona

After I posted about my upcoming trip to Barcelona, I got a message from Daisy Chain Jewelry. Coincedentally, she'd just posted a list of Barcelona bead shops in her blog. She's from the UK and has been to Barcelona a number of times. (UK to Barcelona is just a hop, skip and a jump, compared to traveling from the Midwest.)

So with the info in her blog, a little googling, and Google Maps (gotta love them!), I mapped out some potential shopping sites during my visit!

The shops cluster in an area of town called the Gothic Quarter (Barr Gotic). Based on the map, I'd say this is less than 1 1/2 miles from my hotel.


Even with the bead shops being an incentive, I'm sure it's a place that I'll be visiting anyway. I understand that the Barri Gotic area is the area of the old town of Barcelona and it has lots of narrow cobbled streets with tall old buildings.

From what I've read about it, it seems like it's pretty typical with other "old towns" in major European cities - small squares surrounded with labyrinthine streets. From my experience, these kinds of areas are usually great places to wander around. (Most of the Barri Gotic is closed to regular traffic although open to service vehicles and taxis. )

I'm looking forward to getting lost in the many small streets and squares - hopefully filled with picturesque buildings, old shops, and newer boutiques.

(Museums, cathedrals and shopping - oh my!)

I'm looking forward to seeing a Barcelona as beautiful as pictures that I've seen. Here's one I found on flickr: A view of Barcelona from the terrace of the Park Güell, by the architect Antoni Gaudí, taken at dusk.
I've got my camera and laptop! Hopefully I'll have access to the internet and will be able to post some of my experiences while I'm there!

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  1. Oh I'm soooo jealous!! What a wonderful trip! I'm sure you'll have photos to post when you come back right? (so we can live vicariously through you?)
    Have a great time... find great stuff!

  2. Sounds like an experience of a lifetime. Your camera will undoubtedly be overflowing with priceless memories. I hope you have an unforgettable time.
    I love your blog.

  3. Sounds just wonderful. How nice that she saw that you are going to Barcelona and shared the info on the bead shops. I look forward to reading about your adventures!!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous shot. Fantastic!

  5. Can't wait to read more about Barcelona - my wife and I are contemplating spain either this year or next.

  6. WOW! Keep us posted of your adventures, and lots of pictures please! :-) Hubby and I were planning to go there this year, but the exchange rate is killer :-(. I'll have to travel there through your eyes :-)

  7. Did you have a good time? I hope you managed to visit all the shops!

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  9. ooooh! go find enric majoral's shop when you're there.

    galeria alea
    argenteria, 66
    08003 barcelona
    +34 933 101 373

    his work is amazing!

  10. Sounds like you have an awesome job. If I am ever in Barcelona, I'll be sure to use your guide. (A girl can dream!)

  11. Looking forward to seeing some of your Barcelona photos.
    If you have a look at the post I put on my blog today you'll find a little surprise for you.
    Jo x

  12. Oh wow, I'm so jealous! I went to Greece a few years ago and it was amazing. Have fun!

  13. are there no new posts after this one? I read that you posted a wire wrapping tutorial, but when I go to

    this is the latest post I see!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Wow--how wonderful!! I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip--enjoy every minute of it and travel safe!
    Smiles, Karen

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