Monday, March 3, 2008

Selling on Etsy: using your photos to draw in more views

I think everyone has heard the saying, the 3 most important things in real estate are location, location, location.

In my personal opinion, there should be a parellel saying in Etsy: The 3 most important things for selling on Etsy are photos, photos, photos.

Not just any photos. They have to be really good. The problem with buying online, is that your customers can't see or touch your wonderful handmade items in person. All they can see is your photograph and read your descriptions. So good photos are VITAL to making a sale.

You're allowed up to 5 photos in each Etsy listing. Why not use them all? Take pictures at all angles and make sure they can see the entire item. This can only help your customer understand how wonderful and unique your creation is.

Make your primary photo, the one they see when they're browsing your shop, interesting. It should draw people in. You don't necessarily have to show the entire item in the photo. You can tease the viewers and make them want to see more.

One way to gauge how good your photos are, is in the number of views you get immediately after listing an item. Better and more interesting photos will get more views.

Here's an example of what I mean.

This is my primary photo for my Grape Gumdrop Earrings. This is the photo that you see in my shop listings. It's interesting and colorful and makes you want to see more. When you click on it, it takes you to photos that show the entire item:

These photos are not that artsy or fancy, but they give you a clear idea of what the entire earrings look like, how they would hang, and approximately how big they are.

Tomorrow's post will be on how to take better photos, something I had to learn the hard way.

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  1. Great post! (and those earrings are beautiful!)

  2. very good advice! love the earrings.

  3. These are great photos. I'm enjoying your advice series--God knows we can all use the help!

  4. callooh callay,
    I'm glad your enjoying it!

    BTW, I love your name. We both have Lewis Carroll references!

  5. Nice tips and beautiful jewelry!

  6. Your advice is sooooo true! It pays to have good photos. :O)

  7. Great photos and great advice!!!
    and I love the earrings!!

  8. I agree, great advice. Photo's are key and you certainly have it down.

  9. I was thrilled to see this article. I am the first to admit that my photos are awful. So, I am excited to learn more. Thanks for sharing from the lessons that you have learned.

  10. You're so right! Bag photos really turn me off!

    Mine aren't bad, but I think I should use the artsy first photo more!

  11. Great tips! And your items are also amazing! I'm gonna go heart you right now :)

  12. i definitely need to take better pictures... i just don't know how!!
