Friday, February 8, 2008

Design A Day, Day 9

I spent most of Thursday in transit. I got up at 4:30 AM to catch a cab to Denver airport. I was supposed to have a 3 hour layover in Detroit (again!) but when I got there, I found that there was a flight leaving for Indianapolis in 30 minutes. They had seats, so I was able to get on it - this meant I could be home more than 2 hours early! It wasn't until I had entered the plane that I realized that my luggage wouldn't get to Indy as quickly as I would.

Sigh. No luggage for me. At least I got home early. But I won't be able to pick it up till Saturday. Hey, who needs make up and a curling iron anyway!

So, this preamble has been an excuse for why I didn't post my Day 9 design yesterday. (Cue the violins.) I was just too tired to do much of anythign last night. I vegitated and spent some time cuddling with my daughter and watching TV.

But I'm really really pleased with this design for Day 9. It's deceptively simple: a single piece of silver and a round gemstone. BUT, I think that simple is hard to get right.

Yes, it's just a single piece of wire, but it flows well with the stones and has a graceful curving design. And hammering the wire in different areas of the wire gives the earrings depth.
(Only problem: I can't remember what the heck these stones are! Does anyone know?)


  1. I can't help with your stone dilemma, but I love those curves !

  2. not sure about the stones, either, but the earrings are lovely!

  3. Those are really cool! The stones kind of look like new jade or prehinite to me???

  4. Gorgeous earrings! I think the stones look like New Jade.

  5. I'm not sure what the stones are, but those earrings are so gorgeous!

  6. I think the stones are aventurine- It is sort of like a pale jade, I use it quite alot with copper.
