Sunday, February 10, 2008

Design A Day, Day 10: Pearl Cluster Necklace

I actually worked on this necklace while I was on my business trip to Boulder. Did I mention that my luggage didn't arrive with me? Yes, I got to Indy, but my bag didn't. (It could have been worse - it could have been waylaid on the way to Boulder. Then I would have been with out fresh clothes and - God forbid ! - my makeup for my meetings.) Well, I finally got my bag back yesterday and was able to finish this necklace and take a photo of it this morning. (Yes, I am officially behind on the Design-A-Day challenge and I doubt that I'll be able to catch up. Especially since I'll be traveling again next week.)

This is a necklace I've been thinking about doing for a while. The pearls are vintage and came from a 3-strand graduated necklace that I picked up for a pittance at a Flea Market. (They were really lovely, but one of the strands was broken.) The chain is a vintage piece that I picked up on Etsy.

The pearls were put on brass headpins and clustered somewhat assymetrically on the chain. I really like the way this piece looks on. If I can talk my daughter into modelling it, I'll post another picture later.

I wasn't sure about what to name it, so I asked my 12 yr-old, Emma what she thought it looked like. She's been really helpful at naming some of my other jewelry (like my Unraveling Earrings and my Unfurling Earrings, and the Unicorn Horn Earrings). She looked at the necklace, thought a few moments, and said, "Why don't you call it 'Fish Eggs'!"

I think this time I'll figure out a name on my own.

1 comment:

  1. It's a very romantic piece. It reminds me of lily of the valley.
