Monday, January 21, 2008

Preview: More new jewelry I've been working on

This is a story of serendipity.

I bought some amazing Karen Hill Tribe silver cones that I just fell in love with, but never got around to using.

Then I bought remarkable large faceted opalite briolettes.

I put them together and what did I get?
Aren't these wonderful!

I have one pair (I had 2, but I brought them into work and sold one immediately) and haven't listed it in my shop yet. I'm still tinkering with the photos and deciding on a name.

I originally thought that the earrings reminded me of seashells - the opalite added to the nautical feeling.

But when I showed them to my 12-year old daughter, Emma, the first thing she said was that they looked like unicorn horns!

I like that.

(If you have a suggestion for a name, I'd love to hear it. Once I get name I'm happy with, I'm going to list them.)

Jan 22 UPDATE: These earrings are now available in my online shop. You can find them here.


  1. you may have interest in this page if you go with a unicorn name there is a lot of fun info on here that would accompany your earrings well :)

  2. These are stunning and I love the glow you've captured. Really like the idea of using the Unicorn horn theme for a title. If I could afford luxuries right now, I'd treat myself to these -- posthaste!

    Your work is gorgeous!

  3. oh yum
    I read a thread by Littleput the other day...saying women bought an average of 40 pieces of jewelry per year
    this is why

  4. They are beautiful!!!
    I agree with high desert diva!!!

  5. Thank you all for your kind comments.

    And rhino, I checked the site about the unicorns. I might have to include some of that information in my listing, since it seems to be unanimous that I should call these earrings unicorn horns!

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind comments on these earrings.


  7. Those earrings are really beautiful, I love the spirals and the color of the stones looks beautiful.
