Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Look at what I bought! My first ACEO!

So maybe I'm behind in the times, but it's only been lately that I've discovered amazing tiny little artworks call ACEOs.
ACEO stands for "Art Cards, Editions and Originals". ACEO's are trading card sized works of art. Their one main rule is that they have to be 3.5 inches by 2.5 inches.

The reason for this is that Art Cards were originally meant to be traded. The trend started with artists. But while artists were happily trading cards, the general public was left out in the cold, having no Art Cards to trade. A group of artists realized this (ah, a marketing niche), and quickly made their cards available for sale so that everyone could enjoy this collectable pocket art!

On Etsy I've seen ACEOs in watercolor, Oil, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Pastels, ceramics, wood, felt, Pen and Ink, Sketching, Collage - it seems as though the sky is the limit. Abstract, Surrealism, Outsider Art, Impressionism, Expressionism -every style you can think of - and then some!

These cards are sold either as originals or editions. Usually the prices are amazingly low. Most are well under $10.

Oh yes, I've been eyeing them for some time. I even thought of amusing myself and creating some. (I painted in a previous lifetime, but that was long ago.) But until now I've only ogled. Then I saw one that caught my eye: I don't know why (other than because it was beautiful), but I had to have it. Oh yes, my first ACEO! I bought it from Etsy seller Art166. It's a limited edition from her Antiquitys Gold series.(BTW, she also has a great blog called called Vivid Imagery for the Adventurous Mind.)

There's a lot more ACEOs out there. Here's a few more examples that I found:



  1. ACEO's are new to me too! But I love looking on etsy for them. It's a great way to collect art!. Nice blog :)

  2. I just spotted the ACEO you bought the other day...loved it as well

  3. That is a gorgeous card :) I love all the detail that can be seen on ACEOs even with such a small format. And they don't generally take forever to draw.

  4. The one I bought is a print, but I still think it's cool.

    I think the original artwork takes longer than you'd think. And they sell for amazingly low prices. I don't know how the artists can do it.

  5. 'morning, Anne!

    You did an excellent job with this post; I'm so glad you took the time to explain what an ACEO actually is. If I had a buck for every time someone has asked me, I'd close my Etsy shop and retire to Canada!

    Thanks, very much, for the plug and posting the pic of my 'Antiquity's Gold'.

    You certainly chose a gorgeous selection of ACEOs to feature here -- I spotted some of my favorites.

    You're a gem, Anne. I hope you'll enjoy your card!

    ~ Wendy (Art166)

  6. Wendy,


    BTW, I'd be one of the people who would have to pay you a buck. I had to ask what ACEO's were to find out. Since then, I've just been fascinated with them and the entire concept.

  7. Hi Anne!

    thank you so much for your visit to my blog and for the lovely comment! I'm so glad you like my work!

    Your jewelerie is so beautiful!

    oh, and I'm s scientist too :)

  8. That's a lovely piece - no wonder you HAD to have it. Love the colors and dynamics of it...

    Ditto: ACEOs are new to me, as well. Discovered them on Etsy and have bought my first (NOT my last) one. Now just need to get a holder!

    http://Shadowscapeart.etsy.com and http://CoconutPalmDesigns.etsy.com also have some wonderful art, incl ACEOs

  9. I know the feeling. I have purchased two so far on etsy and I love them. I'm always looking for more. Congras on you find.

  10. Sorry to leave message here, but I sent you several emails, but I am not sure you are getting them re the etsy earrings. I can send you a check, if you can let me know to who and where to send. thanks

  11. jafabrit,
    Somehow I haven't been getting your emails and you haven't been getting mine.

    I can be reached at contrariwise@comcast.net or you can go to Etsy and log in, then click on Conversations, which is at the top of the page. You should see a couple of emails from me there.
