Friday, June 4, 2010

The Tiger Iron Ring is finally finished!

Here's the ring:

And here's the original sketch I blogged about last week:

This ring was actually finished two days ago except that I discovered that I didn't have anything to antique it with.  My Liver of Sulfur was grey and dead - the summer humidity destroys it.   And I couldn't find a bottle of Silver Black that I just ordered.  So I decided to antique the ring the "old fashioned way" using eggs. 

Two days later the color wasn't what I wanted, so I went to an out-of-the-way, hole-in-the-wall rock shop, Jox Rox, and bought some fresh Liver of Sulfur to finish the ring. 

Oh, and this trip to the rock shop cost me BIG TIME. It turned out the shop had just gotten a shipment of Ocean Jasper, and I couldn't resist picking up some cabs. The prices were great so I bought way more than I should.  (Yes, I know.  I have a problem.  And admitting to it is the  first step to recovery.)

The ring got antiqued last night and it went out in the mail this morning.  


I really liked the horizontal striations in the Tiger Iron cab, so I carried them forward in both the band and in the background behind the stone.  And I think the silver spheres are a good contrast to the horizontal lines of the ring - without them, the design would be a little dull.

When Hope picked out  this cab, I really wasn't convinced that it would make a good ring. I'm very happy to say that I was oh so wrong. 

Now let me give a big shout out to the lapidary artists who cut this cab:  AZ Blue Rockers.  They just started selling on Etsy and they've been wonderful to work with.  I'll be featuring more jewelry with cabs that I've purchased from them in the future.


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  1. I just got my first cabs from them a few days ago! I immediately started working with one of them...they're beautiful!

    Gorgeous ring...that's a really neat cab and the design balances it well.

  2. I love that ring. (I have a ring problem, a bit like your cab problem.) I'm glad it already has a good home.

  3. it was so fun from searching for the right cab to seeing the design process take life. Anne has such a talent to create a perfect one of a kind piece! i just love it!

  4. That is such a stunning ring! I've loved seeing it's progress.
