Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's June. Time to prepare for Christmas.

Just a quick post to show you a new listing in my shop.

This is similar to another bracelet I had in my shop.  I was going to "discontinue" it, but I had a special request from someone.  So I went ahead and made two:  one for her and one for my shop.  (Oh, and then I went ahead and made another one in copper!)

I'm making an attempt to be better in creating some of my jewelry in multiples.

For example, it used to be that I would only make a single pair of earrings.  "Why should I make more", I'd think.  "If I make several and they don't sell, the silver and gemstones will be a loss".

Now that I've established my shop and have a little more experience, I know that I should keep some items always in stock.  (Can't do that with those one-of-a-kind cabs though!  I think that's one of the reasons I love them.)

Right now my sales are a little slow, but that's usually the case in the summer months. (No, no, no, I'm not complaining.) Come December, I'll be rushing around trying to keep up with orders.  I know it's only June, but I want to promise myself to start preparing for Christmas.


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  1. Exactly right! I'm trying to keep up with gallery sales this summer and Christmas is looming. *gulp* You've inspired me to get crankin'!

  2. Lovely bracelet! And eep, I can't believe all the mentions I've already seen around Etsy of the holiday season! *runs and hides*
