Monday, May 31, 2010

MooShu Monday: His kryptonite

I've heard that dogs can't see laser pointers because they're color blind.  MooShu proves that this is is nothing but an urban legend.


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  1. Even woofies love the moving red dot!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  2. lol this is too cute :) I love it. Mooshu is adorable!! My dog chases the laser as well, but she doesn't do it quite as excitedly as Mooshu :p She usually gets bored with it after a couple times of not catching it lol

  3. MooShu can keep chasing tha laser FOREVER. You should see him doing an imitation of the Indy 500 around our living room!

  4. Hee hee. We had a neighbor dog who also loved laster pointers ... and reflections from ice cubes, water, glass ... She wasn't very bright but dang she was focused! :)

  5. they can see some colours, but i think i remember reading not every colour

    very cute :D

  6. My dogs love the laser light. They chase it, and try to eat it. I wonder where they ever got the idea that they could not see it from. Obviously they didn't try live tests LOL. I love Mooshu such a sweety.

  7. My dog gets crazy with the laser light. He starts barking at it after a while because he can't catch it :)
