Friday, May 28, 2010

The Creative Process - A tip for sketching out new designs

Each cabochon is unique and I try very hard to carefully create a design specifically for each stone. I think every cabochon has a voice that needs to be heard.  Sometimes the voice is loud and strong.  Other times, it whispers, almost unheard.  Some cabs don't speak for a while, but eventually, perhaps when they warm up to you or when the moment is right, they let you know what they want.

One trick I use to coax out a design from a cab is sketching around a photocopy of the stone.   This works especially well with unique stones.   Seeing the natural patterns of the stone really gives you a better idea of how the overall design of the setting should flow.

And if you're making a custom design for someone, it allows the buyer to better visualize how their piece of jewelry will eventually look.
This cab is going to be a ring and I'll be working on it over the next week.  I'm planning to post updates on it to show you how it progresses.  (And to tease Hope, who's been patiently waiting for me to begin work on her new ring!)

So which design do you think Hope chose?


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  1. What a great idea! It never occurred to me to do that. Brilliant!

  2. I love seeing other people's "idea" notes -- it seems so intimate to get a glimpse behind the thought process.

  3. That's actually a great idea - gonna have to try that for some necklaces I've been working on!

  4. anne truly makes this an exciting experience by creating a one-of-a-kind piece just for you (or as in this case...ME!). you can see how she puts her heart into her art, too!

  5. great marketing tool. Do you keep the sketches later in a binder? I have for years, and on new years' of every year I look to see again what my commissions were and what directions the commissions turned my work to. It is interesting and valuable information.
