Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Solitary Tree - Pendant with a Snake River Dendritic Agate

I love buying cabs online. I think it’s because, when they arrive in little packages in the mail, I get as excited as if it was Christmas morning! And when I open them, it’s always a surprise.

I’ve recently bought some new cabochons from Dale at JustCabs. When this Snake River Dendritic Agate arrived in the mail, it took my breath away.

The dendrites form a perfect miniature tree, which seems to be sitting on a golden brown hillside. If you use your imagination, you can see mountains behind it, also in shades of golden brown. The background color of this agate is white, but it glows with hints of peaches and purples.

The entire scene felt very Japanese to me, so I decided to set the stone to emphasize that feeling. I cut pieces of silver to create a bamboo twig to sit next to the stone. 

I thought about cutting out a design on the back, like I've done before.  But I had already put in so much time into this setting - and I was anxious to get it finished - that I decided to just do a little curlique as part of the bail in the back.

I just listed it in my shop.  More photos can be found there.

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  1. I really love this pendant! It's gorgeous!

  2. Gorgeous stone and setting.

  3. My husband just walked in and saw your piece. He was very impressed with your work. As am I.

  4. I scrolled down to see your work .... it is absolutely stunning!

  5. Great job matching a stone with a 'theme' setting. Beautiful piece :: lynn
