Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Silver and Copper Cuff Bracelet

Saw + hammers + disc cutter + bracelet mandrel =

I think this is the first cuff bracelet I've ever made.   I had just gotten my disc cutter and I wanted to see what fun things I could do with it.  Plus I had a bracelet mandrel that I bought over a year ago and never used.  Why not try out both at once and see what I could come up with?

Time to play!

I made the cuff in copper which I texturized with a hammer.  I randomly made holes in it with the disc cutter, then soldered on silver discs. (Yes, the disc cutter's great at finding new ways to use all those silver scraps I have!)   Using a rawhide hammer, I formed the bracelet on the mandrel.  Then everything was oxidized and polished to bring out the texturizing and the silver accents.

A very simple equation.  Right?

More photos can be found here.

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  1. I love it! I'm a huge fan of mixed metal jewelry.

  2. love the silver with the copper! mixes well w/other pieces if you wear all silver.

  3. That is super cool!! I really like it :)

  4. Hi! I nominated you for the Sunshine Award over on my blog:


  5. Just exploring your site for the first time. I love your work! This bracelet is great. I am a scientist, artist, coffee drinker as well. Thanks for sharing...
