Monday, March 1, 2010

Mooshu Monday: A winter morning's tail

This first photo encompasses my morning ritual.

I'm the first to awaken in the early morning.  As soon as I'm up, the dogs are too.  Of course, the first thing we do is go outside. 

I put on my robe and my slippers, which after many years have developed some well-worn holes which make the cold mornings an eye-awakening experience, (I must get some new ones, but I never seem to remember it) and the dogs and I go out together.  Me, to get the newspaper.  The dogs, to have their, well, say we say, morning constitutional.

Can you guess which of these footprints are mine?

Near my footprints are the tiny paw prints of MooShu - only about an inch across - and Indy's larger pawprints.

I'm so happy to see the sun out earlier each day - only a couple weeks ago it would have been pitch black at this hour.  This weekend we had a slight dusting of snow and, with the morning light, it gave me the opportunity to take a few photos.

Indy is a mellow old girl.  She takes each day with stride, although the snow can somtimes bring the puppy out in her and she will run about with abandon.   The other day, I caught her making snow angels in the snow.  (Yes, she REALLY did!  She was out in the middle of the lawn, lying on her back, rolling back and forth, enjoying herself and making a doggie angel impression in the snow!)

For MooShu, everything is new and must be explored.

Still, after all these snowy months, I wonder why snuffing snow seems to keep it's attraction.


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  1. Haha! That last picture of MooShu is soo cute!

  2. By now the snow should be going away. However, when I lived in N. Idaho we had snow in our yard well into May. I don't miss it all.


  3. are you just teasing us for the big reveal of the agate??? the snow looks so peaceful...

  4. hopestudios,

    That wasn't my original plan! I wanted to finish the pendant this past weekend, but the bezel gave me troubles. (I'm learning as I go along so it's slow going.)

    Now I need to fulfill a couple of custom orders, so the pendant will have to remain unfinished for a little while longer.


    Anne a.k.a. contrariwise
