Friday, March 12, 2010

Alice in Wonderland, Mad Hatter costume

Last Halloween, before most people even knew about Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie, Emma went trick or treating as the Mad Hatter, a la Johnny Depp:
We even got the white eyelashes right.  :-)

You may not realize it, but my shop's name, Contrariwise Jewelry, alludes to a couple of Louis Carrol's characters in Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland have always been favorites of mine ever since I was small.  So I was really excited to see what Tim Burton could do with this theme.

We went to see it last night (3D in IMAX) and it was breathtaking.  Definitely not in the same category as Citizen Kane, but it sure looked pretty!  It falls into my category of Must Buy When it Comes Out on DVD!

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  1. Spot on! It's been getting mixed reviews so I'm glad to hear you liked it. Can't wait.

  2. what a fab costume! she should have won a contest! halloween is my favorite holiday & i still dress up in elaborate makeup & wigs every year.

  3. I never posted this before because, last October, almost no one knew about the movie. When Emma approached me and said she wanted to be the Mad Hatter - not the original, but the one like Johnny Depp - I was so excited!

    I don't think any of her friends got it, but we were pretty pleased with how it came together.

  4. 2 cool things about this costume:
    First - you did a great job on it - it looks fabulous!
    Second - your daughter knows how to leap on the leading edge of trends, not dribble off the back of them. By this Halloween, that costume will be 'tired'.

    We're eager to go see Alice. My daughter's Opening night of her musical was tonight so we haven't had time yet.

  5. Virginia,
    What a coincidence! My daughter's class is putting on the musical of Alice in Wonderland too!

    Emma is a petunia.

    (Definitely NOT type casting.)

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