Sunday, February 14, 2010

Springtime Longings - Candelaria Hills Variscite Ring

I ended up finishing quite a few projects this Saturday AND even taking photos. 

Here's the first piece, which will be listed in my shop this evening.  It's a piece of Candelaria Hills Variscite surrounded by leaves and fronds - and even a flower!

I probably made that little silver flower last fall, when I was playing with my disc cutter.  It ended up in a jar where I put odds and ends.  I suddenly remembered it just as I was deciding where to place the leaves around the setting and thought it with fit right in.  (If you look at the variscite and use your imagination, I can see a couple of flowers in the patterns of the stone.)

And as a final touch, I added a little contrariwise dragonfly on the underside.

UPDATE:  If you want to see more photos, here's the listing.


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  1. O it looks beautiful I love the extra little details >_<!

  2. It's a very pretty piece, well done.

  3. Very nice. The added touch always signifies a true artist.


  4. definitely a garden ring! Very sweet
    looking .

  5. I love this ring. That stone is so cool. It looks kind of turquoise-y to me.

  6. Erin Michael,
    I'm not a gem expert but I've heard that variscite is often mined in the same area as turquoise but its not the same chemically. Also it's a greener color and it quite a bit rarer than turquoise.

    But what the heck. All I'm certain of is that it's beautiful and I'm keeping my eye out for more of it!

  7. I love the ring and absolutely adore your jeweler's mark!

  8. Gorgeous work and fabulous job!!

  9. The ring really turned out nice.

  10. Thank you! I think I'm especially happy because I figured out a way to incorporate a little swirl in a ring design.

    Took me long enough!
