Monday, February 22, 2010

Oolite Ring

I'm a little behind.  Last week was absolutely crazy.   In one day, I had a ton of orders and commissions in my Etsy shop.  I had no idea what was going on!  It turned out that one of my rings got featured on Etsy Finds, something I'd never known about.  Each day they feature a dozen items that revolve around a theme.   Wow - talk about exposure!

Then I my daughter had a gymnastics meet last Friday.  (WHY do they do these on a school day???)  After it was over, I immediately I turned around and headed out to IU for Mother's Weekend with my older daughter.

(BTW, I learned something new.  Mother's Weekend with a female college freshman requires that you go to over-priced clothing stores where your daughter would not normally be able to shop on her own AND purchase items for her which make you wonder WHERE THE HECK WILL SHE BE WEARING THIS SKIMPY OVERPRICED PIECE OF $#**???   But from what I've heard, Mother's Weekend with a MALE college freshman can be an eye-opening and life-changing experience that give you a whole different perspective on your offspring.  So. overall, I consider myself pretty lucky.)

Anyway.  I got back home last night, so it's time for me to get back to my blog and letting you know what's new.

I have so much new stuff that I've been working on.  I recently purchased some cabochons from Lost Sierra.  He has some great stuff and whenever he lists new items, they go so fast.  So I felt very fortunate to acquire some of his Oolite stones.  I'd never seen these before but I really like the contrast of burgundy against a grayish-green background.  The look is rustic, yet modern.

While I purchased several of these, only one was ring-sized.  I felt that the flower-like orbs of the stone were quite busy, so I thought a simple setting would be appropriate.   (More photos can be found here.)

More new jewelry to come this week!

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  1. "Oolite" is one of my favorite words from my geology classes. "Ooid" is pretty good too. It's a type of sedimentary rock (usually limestone) with spherical grains with concentric layers that have formed around the grains. They look soooo cool under the microscope! Your oolite is the result of replacement of the original minerals, resulting in the red and green colors you see.

  2. Lava Jewelry,
    Thanks so much for the explanation. I tried googling oolite, but didn't find much about it at all. Most of it seems like it solid color. Your explanation about the materials being replaced makes a lot of sense.

  3. I love the stone; I have been trying to buy a cab or two but it's hard to find...the setting is perfect.

  4. You can not go wrong with this stone. The ring is beautiful.


  5. i love how the hammered band mimics the stone. another cool piece! can't wait to see what you do with that pink druzy...

  6. hopestudies,
    I'm still thinking about the pink druzy.

    BTW, I also have a bright green druzy. Maybe I could put them together in one ring with a "preppie" theme!

