Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ocean Jasper Necklace - finally completed!

I wrote about this pendant and cab just last week. ( More photos of this Ocean Jasper can be found here.) It's one that I'd been working on for over a month. But considering that I finished the pendant a few weeks ago, and I only had to add the chain and make the clasp, it took me long enough!

My problem has been that I've gotten sidetracked. I've been buying quite a few gorgeous cabs (including this one) recently. Now that I have all these cabs, I just want to play with them all! So I've started so many projects and then left them partially completed while I've started others.

I also have quite a few completed projects that I still have to photograph or list in my shop or post on this blog.

Oh and life and my regular job get in the way. For example, today I'm off for a quick business trip to North Carolina. But I've got my computer with recent photos on it, and I hope to do some photoediting in my spare time.

I'll definitely be blogging about some more new jewelry this week.

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  1. This is a fine piece I culd see my aprtner wearing on a night out!

  2. Thank you. I think the best thing about hand designed jewelry made from unique stones is that it's one of a kind. No one else in the world will have one like it.

  3. That is gorgeous...well worth the time. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who buys cabs and then gets side-tracked. I get so many that I just kind of push them from one spot to the next and never seem to get anything done. Or, I pick one up to design with, get started on it and then see another one that takes my fancy and I pick it up and get started on it and then I see another one and on and on and on. It's a vicious circle....but I love it!

  4. That is a Fantastic Necklace...I love what you did with that beautiful Stone...That Stone has so much to say and it great that you gave it a voice...

  5. That necklace is beautiful. That cab is fantastic!!!

  6. That's beautiful! You're work perfectly balances the detail in the stone. I love it.
