Monday, May 11, 2009

Mooshu Monday! The first bath.

Bathing a dog is like simple addition. You just have to get the equation right. For example

First you start with this. (Yes, you're right. He's sitting in the kitchen sink.)

Then you need this.

Finally, add them both together with some water, and it equals this:

Of course, sometimes the equation doesn't work quite right. For example, you might have too much of one thing or too little of another - which is exactly what happened. In this particular case, all we had to do was subtract a little water from an eye:

And then everything added up just fine!

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  1. LOL! I'm surprised there is anything left of him once you get him wet! He would get completely lost in my house. :)

  2. All he is is a ball of fluff. We sure found that out when he got his bath!

    We're also scared that he could get lost or, god forbid, stepped on. We've been using a cat collar with a little bell on it for him. The little tinkle helps us be aware of where he is.

  3. Your new furbaby is a doll. What kind of dog is he? How much does he weigh? My Elvis (Maltipoo) was under 2 lbs when I brought him home at 8 weeks....he was sooo tiny in the kitchen sink getting his baths.

  4. OH. MY. GOSH. Cutest dog, ever!!!!

  5. Mooshu is a Morkie: half Maltese and half Yorkie.

    Last week, when he was 9 weeks old, he weighed in at a whopping 1 pound and 6 ounces!

  6. How big will he get? He's adorable I told Bill if we ever get another dog it has to be very small so I can lift him, but then I'd be worried about losing him.

  7. And you feel soooo good after a nice bath! I want to see the running around the house like crazy afterward :)

  8. I love when dogs run around the house like crazy after a bath.

    But since this was Mooshu's first bath, I think he was scared and confused and he trembled. But he was quickly comforted with a warm blankie and a cuddle.

  9. Aw, the sink is almost too big of a bathtub for the little guy! Next time try a coffee cup. :)

  10. Wow - The Cuteometer is pegged with this little guy!

  11. Awwww... such a sweet little baby. :) More Mooshu, please!

  12. There will definitely be more pics of Mooshu. I'm going to try to hold myself back to just a weekly feature: Mooshu Monday. But I might just slip. :)

    I really have to post some new jewelry soon!

  13. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize how tiny he was! That kitchen sink shot really shows some scale!

  14. AAAwwwww... poor thing. Got all wet. Did he get a treat afterwards?

  15. i loooovve ur puppy!!! he is so adorable!!! hehehehe

  16. lol...that last photo is a hoot!

  17. he is soooo cute. That's exactly the kind of dog I have been looking at getting. So precious!

  18. Thanks Sandi. He's a little sweetie. A very good puppy and really smart.

    He knows that he's supposed to go potty outdoors and has had very few accidents. And he's learned how to come and how to sit already!

  19. He's so tiny... feel like squeezing him... does he bark??

  20. Hi,

    Interesting this idea of using a gremlin as a stunt to take the bath instead of him :-)

    Kind regards,

