Friday, April 17, 2009

Tourmalated Quartz Ring

If you've been reading my blog, you'll know that I recently had a wonderful time spending lots of money at a local Bead and Gemshow. (I only wish there were more shows. The next one isn't until October! I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand it.) Amongst my purchases were some tourmalated quartz stones. I set the first one today:

This particular stone is unusually dark because it's just so amazingly full of tourmaline fibres running through it! Sitting on a counter, it almost looks like ebony - although it picks up little diamond glints when you turn it. But, best of all, when you hold it up to the light, you can see the crystalline fibers.

Look at all those fibres! Isn't it amazing!

I cut the back of the setting out, so that light could stream in and let the character of the stone shine through.

I loved the triangular shape of this stone which cried out for a contemporary setting.

I was torn between making this into a pendant or a ring.

I thought it would look great as a pendant with the point hanging down. But at the last moment, I changed my mind and you can see the result.

(Oh, and please ignore my fingers. Just look at the ring. I spent the entire day soldering and my skin is so dry. This is when the "soften" filter on photoshop comes in so handy.)

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  1. Thanks! I wanted the setting to be simple and sleek to highlight the stone's shape. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

  2. What an interesting piece. The first picture did not show it well, the second picture is awesome. I think it looks great as a ring.

  3. I had a hard time taking a picture of it. I'm going to try a different background, I think. But I was so excited that I wanted to show it to everyone.

  4. I found you a while back thru entrecard and still check in now and then.....I love your wire work and silversmithing (and, yes I ignored your hands). LOVELY ring! Quite striking! Teri

  5. That second pic just about knocked me over! What a stone! Pardon me while I mop up this drool.

  6. Wow, that stone looks amazing in the sun. Really neat looking!

  7. What a fantastic ring. I love it and the way it looks in the light is beautiful
