Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Groundhog in my pool

Continued from
The man from animal control came over our house with a trap and a plan to capture the groundhog living in our pool cover mechanism. Once he got him, he was going to take him far far away to a field with plenty of tasty dandelions for him to munch on.

So he went and unscrewed the metal plate from over our pool cover and found.....
....absolutely nothing. No trace of the groundhog. No nest. No nothing.

He thought the groundhog had probably just be resting and trying to stay warm

So the above picture above is NOT my groundhog. It's just a picture I found on the internet. My groundhog is somewhere in the woods behind my house, frolicking amongst the ferns.

The man from animal control left empty handed (or empty crated). But not before charging us $130 for about 20 minutes of work.

It was a very expensive groundhog.

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  1. Ouch! $130.00 is quite a bit of money for an empty cage!

  2. Of course he know animal control was coming! Isn't that just the way things like that always end up?

  3. wow they still charge you even if they can not find him? I tweeted your story, maybe others know of a less expensive way to get the guy moving away from your house...

  4. That really hurts...we paid nearly that much to have racoons removed from out yard...

  5. I'm glad it all worked out but it is too bad you couldn't have saved some $ somehow. I know the guy has to get something for showing up, but it's too bad he didn't have to do anything while he was there.

  6. ouch! $130! next time I think buying a trap would be cheaper! :)

  7. Bad news on the money, but great story. We have one of those cages and tried to catch a squirrel that had been eating our roof. Put the cage out for two nights in a row and each night caught a possum. I stopped putting the cage out. Too scared to know how many more were out there.

  8. My husband was home when the guy showed up. After he insisted on being paid, my husband insisted he do SOME work. So he made him climb into our attic and check for vermin. (My daughter's been hearing noises.) So at least we got SOMETHING for our $130.

    (BTW, no evidence of anything large visiting our attic or any means of entry. Hurray!)

  9. That is hilarious, but so, so wrong that it cost you $130. Unbelievable. That groundhog in that picture is sort of scary. lol.

  10. I thought wait. You were not going to let go of that lovely creature, were you? Not until the end... Hahahahaha... So for $130, is the animal control cute?

  11. Aw! Even if that's not your groundhog, he is kind of cute... :)

  12. I didnt know animal control charges...I thought they were a free public service as the Police is

  13. You know, I thought so too! But they told me up front that they would charge $160 for capturing the wily woodchuck.

  14. That's a very expensive Non-Groundhog!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  15. Grrr...that's so annoying. Reminds me of when I got a man in to check the dishwasher which was making a banging noise...and it didn't bang at all when he was there. Still got the bill tho...

  16. Who says animals are not smarter than humans!
    I hope your critter days are over.

  17. wow, thats alot of money for just 20 minutes, i*d catch the little animals, if only i werent scared of them :P I came across your blog on entrecard.

  18. That's criminal that they charge you for NOT catching anything. Sad.
    I hope the critter does not come back. Do you own a BB gun? ;)
