Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chocolate Bird's Nests for Easter!

This treat is not only delicious, but it's healthy as well!

Things You'll Need

  • 6 oz of milk or dark Chocolate
  • Chocolate Mini Eggs or malted milk eggs or Jelly Beans
  • 5 Large Shredded Wheat Bars


  1. Pull apart the shredded wheat with your fingers

  2. Pour chocolate chips into a microwave-proof container and zap them till they melt

  3. Pour the melted chocolate over the shredded wheat and mix

  4. Form into bird nest shapes. (Oops. Forgot to take a pic. We were too excited about getting to the next step. So instead, here's a picture of our dog cleaning up the results of our nest-forming activities.)

  5. Decorate chocolate nests with careful placement of candy eggs.

  6. Decorate some more

  7. Enjoy. The shredded wheat is healthy but remember there's a lot of chocolate too.

    So watch out for that post-sugar rush crash!


  1. Wow! That is so totally cool! I wish I had time to make it today.

  2. ooo never thought of using shredded wheat! great idea! and just love the pics! lol happy easter!

  3. Yum! Think of a way to incorporate chocolate in a salad and you'll be my new best friend! Happy Easter!

  4. Also....I don't know if I told you, but I think your work is absolutely gorgeous! I run a weekly feature on my blog showcasing an etsian with lovely work. Would you mind if I feature you this week? I'd post on Monday and I usually post 2-3 photos from etsy, link to your shop and do a brief write up.

  5. Wow! That looks yummy. And fun to do with kids I bet. I might try this with the nieces & nephews tomorrow.

  6. I really love that idea, visually appealing and easily adaptable to different needs.

  7. Too bad I saw this after Easter. I probably would have tried. it.
