Thursday, December 4, 2008

Etsy featured in the newspaper

Recently, the Indianapolis Star ran a newspaper article about shopping online for Cyber Monday rather than going to the malls. And Etsy was prominently featured in the article and in the photo!

(Click on the photos to bring up a larger image.)
Etsy newspaper article

And guess whose shop was included in the photo!

etsy shop contrariwise

Yes! It was mine!

I was absolutely shocked and ran around the house showing everyone. I had absolutely nothing to do with it. It was just luck that my shop was in the screenshot for the article!

Made my day.

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  1. Wow, that is wonderful, hope it brings you lots of sales. Not luck, but good judgement :0)

  2. Excellent! Hope it brings you many new local customers!

  3. Hey, that is a really cool coincidence :)

  4. Yah hoooo!! LUCKY YOU!! Hope the publicity bring you sales!!

  5. It was really small so I doubt that it'll bring me sales (although I did have one local sale that day). Still it was really exciting.

    However, it IS good advertising for Etsy. Hopefully it'll bring some new customers for all of us.

  6. That's great news, possibly you can blow up that picture and use it for your local sales/advertisement.
    Hardly anyone is aware of Etsy in my local area.
    My brother runs a t-shirt/embroidery biz, and I tried to talk him into making t-shirts that said "Got Etsy?"

  7. lol! congrats on such great luck and publicity! yay for etsians! = D

  8. Oh, for fun! My mother always told me that nothing is coincidence. I'm sure only good will come out of this :)

  9. wow congrats on being featured, and
    woot woooooo for Etsy getting some print exposure.
    thanks for letting us know

  10. I can imagine how you felt, that was a very nice surprise!

  11. Congratulations! Nothing like free publicity, huh? Thanks for stopping by my blog. And your jewelry is beautiful. :)

  12. very cool. like the english say, good on you...

  13. Thanks! You really can't believe how excited I was when I saw it. I was literally jumping up and down and showing the article to everyone in the family. They were all pretty amazed. (Except the dog. She doesn't like having a newspaper shaken in her face. Brings back bad memories.)

  14. Woohoo, that is SO great! Hope it translated into more sales for you!

  15. I don't know that I really deserved it. They're so much talent out there on Etsy that I'm often awed.

    All I know is that I was thrilled -- and darned lucky.

  16. You're in Indianapolis! I didn't know that. That's where I'm originally from, though I grew up in Louisville. I lived across the street from Washington Square for about the first five years of my life.

  17. Small world. :-)

    I'm originally from the east coast, but I've lived in Indy for a LONG time. I guess you could call me a born-again Hoosier.

    I live on the North East side.

  18. Congrats!! I'd run around the house too!! of course I'd also be screaming with delight!

  19. Wow, so, I just realized that both you and I live in Indianapolis. I had been thinking of you as associated with the Metalsmiths In Action Etsy Team, but apparently we're both in the INCrowd Team, too! How weird is that?? Where in Indy do you live? I'm on the West side!

    Congrats on getting in the Indy Star!

  20. Wow, that could be the best free advertisement ever! Getting your product displayed in a news article is fantastic! Congratulations to you and to all of us on etsy:
