Monday, November 24, 2008

Marketing Blogger Tip: link your image to a webpage

Did you ever click on an image in a blog to get a better look? I know I have. Sometimes nothing happens. But sometimes the click takes you to a larger version.

But did you know that you can link your image to a webpage? So that when you click on the image you get transported to who-knows-where?

For example. Click on the photo on the right. Where does it take you?

Yes, I've just shamelessly used the photo as a marketing tool.

How do you do this on blogger? It's easy.

Click on the icon that allows you to insert an image. That should bring up a familiar screen where you choose your image and layout.
contrariwise sterling silver jewelry earrings etsyPlace your image where you want it in your post.

Then, in the Compose tab, click on the photo once to select it. Then click on the link tool.

Insert the address and...Voila! Your image is linked!

As you saw, I linked the image directly to my Etsy shop. You can link the photo to a corresponding item in your shop (which I've done before and could directly attribute more views to it from my post). But if your item sells, then you have to remember to update your link.

Do you want to subscribe to my blog by email? Click here!.

Would you like to be a Contrariwise follower? (I love having more friends!) All you have to do is click on the link in the upper right on my side bar.


  1. ah yes, great tip! i'm always clicking on photos in blogs but they never go anywhere! more people should do this :)

  2. Thnaks for the tip. I always wondered how to do that, but never could figure it out.

  3. Great infoemation.I hope to do it now..If I can not it will NOT be because you did not explain it enough, I am computer impaired..

  4. Big thanks for the reminder ♥ I need to do this more often.

  5. That's a very useful tip! I don't use it, simply because I know I'll never remember to go back and update the links (uh ... brain freeze?), also because I really do want readers to have an instant, larger view of my artwork. I put a linked title below my photos, though.

  6. I add it in a gadget that allows a link to be added to the photo but this is great for photos in a post.

  7. Good tips! I've been trying to do that with my images as well!

  8. Wow I did not know that, thanks for sharing. I always try to post pictures in my posts, makes things more interesting. I will have to use this when I post pictures of my Etsy items. Great tip!

  9. Wonderful tips as usual:) Thank you for the reminder and sharing:):)

  10. Thanks for the reminder. I used to do this, but stopped - I don't know why. I'm going to start doing this again. I love your blog - so much useful info.

  11. brilliant marketing... your jewelery is lovely.

  12. You are most definately the "go to girl" of blogging :) Thanks for the neverending tips.

  13. hi, love your scroll designs.. I use it a lot in mural painting... great marketing.. and thanks for ur comment about paypal

  14. Thanks everybody!
    And it's such an easy thing to do, isn't it.

  15. Good tips! Beautiful jewelry! Love your designs!

  16. Good tip :)
    Most of my image link back to my flickr account, I haven't made it so they specifically link to an item I am writing about.
    I will have to remember to do that in future, although linking through to my Flickr isn't such a bad thing as all my work is there :)

  17. Thanks for the step by step! I've been wondering how to do this and you made it SO easy to understand. I'll do that to mine from now on.

  18. Thanks for this. I have just stumble it for you.

  19. SewDelish.
    Thank you SO MUCH for the stumble.

    (BTW, great name.)

  20. It's wonderful! Also quite helpful that 118 people now follow your blog. Alas, I have only 7. I'd love to have some new people follow me around (well, not literally ya know.)

  21. Whoo hoo! Looks like I have a posse!

    And I appreciate each and every person who has either signed up to be a follower or to subscribe to my blog. Thank you so much.

  22. I tried it and it worked! Thanks so much for the tip!

  23. Yeeeeee Haw! Greatest tip ever! I have been trying to figure out how to do this for days! I am new to blogging..but I've discovered that I LOVE it..even if it just means talking to myself!

  24. Wow, this simple trick got the most positive response I ever got on my blog! I'm glad everyone found it useful.

  25. What a wonderfully simple thing!! I will have to try it this afternoon.

  26. Thanks so much for this tip. I need all the help I can get to send people to my other sites. Like my Etsy shop. I will remember to do this the next time I post.

  27. I just did my first one and it worked! Plus, it was sooooooooooooo easy. You're a fab teacher. Thanks again~

  28. Thanks for that I always wondered how to do it. I have used link to words but didn't realise that is how you used it for pictures too :)
