Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kyanite and labradorite - oh my!

A few days ago I wrote about the baubles I got at a recent bead show and the jewelry that they inspired. One of these was a yet unfinished necklace with a kyanite pendant flanked by sterling. (You can see how it started out,on the right.)

I couldn't decide how I would finish it off. I knew that I wanted to do something different. Rather than continuing the chain, I thought that it would be interesting to add some kind of gemstones. Perhaps labradorite or pearls. Nothing looks quite right in the glow of the light bulbs that evening, so I stopped working on it. I really needed to see the necklace in the light of day.
So the next day, I held the centerpiece up to the different bead strands and found that, indeed, the labradorite complemented the kyanite nicely. The blue flashes of the labradorite really matched the overall blue of the pendant.
Here's a couple pictures of the finished necklace.

WhenI list a necklace in my online shop, I always want to have a photo using a real live model. Why not use my daughter!

Now begins a recurring issue. How to get my 17-yr old daughter, Katie, to model my necklace. Katie is lovely and anything she models looks beautiful. (Using me as a model would NOT help sell it. My photo would probably drive customers away!) But she doessn't want to do it! I have to beg, coerse, shame, and even BRIBE her to model. (Yes, I have stooped that low.)
Her excuse?

"I feel so used. It's like I'm not a real human being, I'm just a neck."

This time, she didn't even flinch when I asked her. She smiles sweeting and said, "Sure, just let me put on a nicer shirt."

I knew something was up. What would elicit this type of response?

Of course, she wanted something.

Her prom is in 2 weeks and she needs a dress. No way was she going to antagonize me.

Yes, she modeled for me.

Yes, we went shopping.

And, yes, she bought a dress that cost WAY TOO MUCH.

It's just too bad this was the only jewelry I had for her to model. I really should have gotten my money's worth. I'm going to have to sell TEN of these necklaces to pay for prom!

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  1. your jewelry is absolutly gorgeous!

    and I want to see the dress your daughter picked out!

  2. You know, that's a great idea for a future blog!

    I think her prom dress cost more than my wedding gown.

    But that WAS a long time ago.

  3. It's always interesting how much better things look in daylight! The necklace looks great!

    Your daughter is smart! She knows how to get what she wants!

  4. The necklace is lovely... tell your daughter she is lucky to have a beautiful neck to be "used" for.

  5. I hope we get to see pics of your daughter in her prom dress!
