Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

Yes, today's my birthday.

Over the weekend, I was going through one of our photograph albums and found this tucked away. It's a birthday card I received for my 1st birthday from my godmother in England. I can't believe my mom saved it all these years!
It gave me a chuckle. I love the lipstick and the shoes on all the party goers. ButI don't think I ever read the birthday wishes on it before.

And I am certainly NOT planning to comment on that doll (at least I think it's a doll) above the piano!

(What the heck!?)


  1. Happy Birthday!..The card is wonderful.So happy your mom kept it for you..what a great treasure..

  2. Happy birthday! I love going through my (and my mom's!) old cards (the few that are left anyway) - so odd to see what was 'the norm' back then!

  3. BONNE FETE!!!! Happy Birthday to the Blog Queen! Love that someone besides me (obviously) has a drawer full (if not boxes stacked in the garage... ) of memories, a.k.a. bubble gum machine trinkets, card decks missing an ace, gum wrapper chains.... all the important stuff that reminds us we used to PLAY! So, my wish for you today is to walk outside, turn your face toward the sun (if you can find it... it's overcast here) and remember, there is really no such thing as TIME. Man made that up. And we are WOMEN... we don't have to agree to such nonsense! Remember what it felt like to skip with abandon and smile to yourself! Happy Birthday and may this be the best year so far!

  4. Karen,
    What a wonderful wish! Thank you so much.

    Unfortunately, I will be stuck in MEETINGS for 6 hours today. (Yes, the joys of corporate America.) But I will be done at 4 and will leave early. I think there might even be a bit of sun peeking through the clouds today. But even if there isn't, I will still be smiling. Life is good.

  5. Happy birthday. I think even the boy playing the piano has lipstick on. Interesting b-day cards they had back then. :)

  6. Happy Birthday. Thanks for sharing your wonderful find with us.

  7. Happy Birthday! And a wonderful year ahead for you.

  8. Happy Birthday! - yes it's a day late, but better late than never:)

  9. That card is too funny :)
    and uh... the doll thing...
    I don't even want to comment either!

    Happy Birthday!

  10. What a very cute card it is and if you remember birthday parties did have that feel to them. Crikey I am sounding old. I think it was a great idea to add it to your blog as it brings back memories not just to you but to many others.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  11. belated, but... happy birthday! that's me... always late to the party
