Friday, March 14, 2008

Wire-wrapping briolettes: photos of results

I just wanted to share some pictures from pipsjewellery who wire-wrapped some beads using the tutorial I posted yesterday.
Photobucket These are mica shift beads. And if you noticed, they're flat rather than rounded, which makes the wire wrapping a little more challenging.

I think she did a great job!

If anyone else used my tutorial, I'd love to post your results too!

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  1. Those look nice!

    I've got a little message for you today:

    I got blog tagged this week, so now I’m tagging you! (No obligation to play!)

    If you do chose to participate, here’s how this game of tag goes:

    1. Link to the tagger.

    2. Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself.

    3. Tag 7 people, post their names and links to their blogs on your blog.

    4. Tell the 7 people you tagged by posting “Tag you’re it” on their blogs in their comments box and explain the rules to them.

    Have fun!

  2. Oh I admire you jewelry makers. I have no patience for it. I have all sorts of jewelry making supplies because I thought I would love it. After making two pieces, I bored, frustrated and packed the supplies away.

  3. Nice job! Earthy and elegant at the same time!
