Monday, February 18, 2008

Sock Zombie at my home!

You might remember that in a earlier post I blogged about Sock Zombies, these delightfully weird creatures made by the Etsy seller Underroos. I thought that they were so unique that I submitted them to (BoingBoing is a great site. Check it out if you haven't already.) And featured them late last month!

Well, Underroos ended up selling more than 50 Sock Zombies in just a few days. And, in appreciation, she sent me a Sock Zombie for my very own!

It's a large toe-horned throwing zombie, as you can tell from the 3 small nubbins on the top of her left horn and the 2 slightly larger nubbins on the right. She has slightly glazed and maniacal, yet not unkind, look in her eyes.

She is pictured lying on my couch in my work room where she guards my beads from the undead.

My daughter, Emma, has taken quite a liking to her and gave her her cherished Hannah Montana wig.

I think the wig is definitely a nice touch, don't you?


  1. The wig is hilarious!

    Erin's blog is one of my favorites.

  2. oh my! That is just darling in a really odd sort of way! and how nice of her to send you one!!

  3. Yes, the wig does it!!!
    That was very sweet of her to send you the sock zombie

  4. Bwa ha ha ha!!! Too hysterical with that wig!

  5. I love those things, Have seen them around a lot on Etsy!
