Monday, February 25, 2008

National Review, Reddit, and Neatorama linked to my blog this weekend!

Before I went to bed on Friday, I checked my blog and noted that it had almost 5000 views. Not bad for me; I was pretty pleased. On Saturday I woke up, still groggy, got on the internet and thought that my blog was up to 5160 views.

Wow, I thought, a lot of views overnight. Neatorama must have picked up on the story about 1943 hiring practices of women that I submitted to them.

Off I went to check statcounter, clicked on my account and saw a graph that went through the roof.

What gives? Is statcounter having problems? Then I realized I didn't have 5160 views on my blog, I had 15, 160 !

It turned out that my post had not only been linked by Neatorama, but then it got submitted to Reddit and National Review!

Over the weekend, there were times when I was getting a hit every second. What a riot!

Since this will never happen again, I need to document this. Take a look at the statistics for the weekend:

Blog hits over the weekend

And here's a view from ClustrMaps of where the hits came from:
clustermap of my hits
There were more, but the high number of hits overwhelmed my the account. :-)


  1. nice job!!! and thanks for adding me to your list :)

    its pretty amazing what a little blogging can do - you are an inspiration!

  2. Well, I certainly did my share of passing it around to friends and family. I thought it was hilarious. :)

    Congrats on all the traffic.

  3. Congratulations!!! You must be over the moon. Keep up the great work!
