Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blogger Tip: bigger graphics on your blog!

Blogger only gives you 3 choices for the size of the photos you post. Sometimes I've found that I wanted to post a larger or a smaller picture. It took me a while to figure out how to do this but after some googling, I finally figured it out.

1) First, your pictures have to be on an outside hosting site, not on your computer. For this example, I am using flickr .

2) Go to the picture you want in flickr. On the lower right, click on the option "See different sizes"
The size options include square, thumbnail, small medium, and original.

3) Click on the size you want. To link that size photo on your blog, you need to copy the html code found at the bottom of the flickr page.

4) Copy the html code that those sites give you and paste it where you want it to appear in your blog post. VERY IMPORTANT: You must use the Edit Html tab not the Compose tab.


Here are examples of photos I linked to from my flickr account.

75x75 square:

Starfish on the Strands - necklace

Thumbnail size (100 x 97):

Starfish on the Strands - necklace

Small size (240x233):
Starfish on the Strands - necklace

Medium size (500x486):
Starfish on the Strands - necklace

Original size (700x68)
Starfish on the Strands - necklace

(If you don't like the standard sizes given by flickr, you can resize the photo to whatever you want first, by either using the editing program within Flickr, or resizing it in your photoediting program before uploading it to flickr.)

You can easily center the pictures by clicking on the photo (in the Compose view) and clicking on the Justify Center option.


  1. Thank you!! That was very helpful, I have wondered how to do that and have not yet had the time to figure it out. You just saved me that time. Brilliant!

  2. Outstanding! Thanks for figuring it out and spelling it out for "dummies" like me!

  3. great tip! Am bookmarking this as we speak! Thanks!

  4. Excellent tip! ALthough I upload to my blog directly from my computer. Lately I have been submitting only the best beader designs to Flickr.

  5. Thanks! That's very helpful

  6. Thanks so much for this info. I will try it on my blog soon.

  7. Slightly more advanced option for even more sizing options:
    After you've uploaded your photo via blogger, flickr, or whatever you used to upload your photo, click on the "HTML" tab instead of the "Compose" tab where you are typing.
    If you are not used to HTML, this will look like a lot of gobbledygook, but never fear! The simplest way to change image size is to find the gobbledygook where your image would normally be and right before the part that says
    src="http://whatever" add in
    width="400" (space before width and after the final quotation mark)
    or whatever number you want instead of 400.
    400 is a pretty big pic. width="75" is a thumbnail. you can play around with it by going back and forth to compose mode. Do NOT be surprised if the width="400" moves within the code when you switch back and forth! it's just easiest to tell you to put it before the src because it's hard to screw it up there and then blogger nicely moves it to where it wants it. just edit the number when you go back to play with the size.

    I hope that made some sense! It's easier than it sounds, I promise! Just play with it! The worst you can mess up is part of your post, and the best you can feel like an HTML master!
