Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Design A Day, Day 8: Ostrich Shell Earrings

OK, so today I'm at a business meeting in Boulder, Colorodo. No, it's not that wonderful; I spent the whole day holed up in a hotel room. But during the 2 breaks and lunch I did have the opportunity to look through hotel windows and glimpse some mountains in the distance! Whoo hoo!

Ah, a far cry from the corn fields of Indiana, eh?

Tomorrow my cab picks me up at 5:15 AM for the ride to the airport, to get me back home.

As I said before, I'm trying to keep this Design-A-Day commitment going for as long as I can. So I prepared ahead a bit to ensure that I have something to post.

So what do I have for today? Well, it might not seem as much, but it took a while to get it to the stage it's at.

I started with this idea a couple of months ago, but it never got off the ground beyond the preliminary stages.

What you see are vintage beads made of ostrich eggshells. These types of beads are amongst the oldest found on earth. (You can see more info about them in an earlier post of mine.) I've shaped them a bit with a file to give them a bit of a square shape, then added a swirl of silver to contrast with the square shape.

Eventually these pieces will become earrings. (You'll see. I swear.) One of the squares will comprise the post, and 2 others will dangle below.

Sorry, that's all for today. But I promise to post their progress later this week.

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