Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blogging Tips: How to save time and organize yourself

There's no secret to blogging or having ideas to blog about. Here are a few hints to save you time and get you organized

1. Take a notebook or binder with you wherever you go.
Sometimes during the day a great idea pops into your head for an excellent article topic, but you have no way of remembering it and soon that idea is lost. So you never forget any ideas, keep a notebook with you at all times. (That notebook is also great for jotting down ideas for your craft! I use mine to draw new jewelry designs when I get an inspiration!)

2. Have some backup posts ready for emergencies.
Whether you’re going to be away from your blog or the internet for a while, or whether a horrible case of writer’s block has plagued you, it’s always important to have some backup posts ready that you can publish without worry.

3. Create a weekly posting schedule. The only way to get people to visit your blog is to blog consistently.
For some bloggers it’s difficult to constantly have ideas for articles that need to be published the next day. Grab a piece of paper or your notebook, and make a chart that contains every single day of the week. Then think about which posts you’re going to publish on what days, and write it down. Jot down potential post titles and main points these articles might include. By planning ahead you can save several weekly hours of thinking and stressing over what you're going to write.

4. Subscribe to your favorite blogs in an RSS reader.
Subscribing to the blogs you read can keep you organized and save many hours each week. And if you like my blog,Contrariwise Ramblings, feel free to sign up! Just go my sidebar and enter your email address!

5. Quit checking your stats all the time.
Your blog will only go downhill if all you do is check your stats. (Same is true for Etsy and other sites you're on.)

6. Set aside a specific time of day to relax and blog.
This might be in the evening, when the kids are in bed and you're enjoing a nice cup of tea. Once you're organized, blogging won't be a chore; it'll be a time of day that you'll look forward to!


  1. Very good tips! I especially like the one about having some "backup" posts ready. AND the one about stop checking your stats!!!!!

  2. thanks for the tips!

    im trying hard to get better and better at blogging! i love it! i just get lazy uploading photos! :D

  3. Hi, I found you on the etsy forums... Tip #1 is my persoanl favorite- great for when art ideas strike, too...

  4. Great tips. I can always use time saving tips.

  5. jGreat info- definately need to apply that!

  6. Great tips!!! I also must follow the one about checking stats!!!!

  7. Thank for the tips. Your blog is really informative and looks great!

  8. Yes, great post! Absolutely agree with the notebook idea. I have a little notebook myself where I sketch jewelry too. I also use it for blog post ideas.

    It also helps to carry your camera everywhere with you, if you like to post photographs with your posts.

  9. Thanks for the tips! I'm trying to blog frequently and welcome any advice I find.

    Thanks for posting.

  10. Great tips. I need to get more organized and blog more often. I love your designs too.

  11. As someone who just started a blog, I found these tips very useful, especially the one about planning in advance. Thanks!
