Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Things that amuse me: knitted frogs

This awesome knitted and dissected frog. was just featured in Neatorama and BoingBoing .
Here's the description:

Wow your scientist friends and colleagues with the coolness of this piece of knitted art. The frog is hand knit from a silk/wool blend, and his little innards were needle-felted by hand out of 100% wool. He comes pinned into his black wood 8 x 10 inch frame, but he is not glued down, so you can take him out and cuddle him if you wish.

Congratulations to Emily who created it! And kudos to momomatic who submitted it to those sites.


  1. As a science teacher, artist, and fellow blogger....just let me say: This Rocks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I see that there was a deleted comment! I wish I knew what it said! LOL!

  4. Oopsy. Sorry it was me.
    I didn't know who to edit :-(
