Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jewelry preview: quite a difference from the earring I showed you yesterday

No matter how many beads I have in my stash, I can't resist a few more. When a local bead shop got a new shipment, I just couldn't help myself. In the picture of my new purchase, below, the faceted grey beads are quartz, the blues are chalcedony, the orange-red beads are coral. I just fell in love with the coral. The colors in the beads range from yellow to orange to red, with amazing striations and a matte texture. They have such a contemporary look that I knew I had to create an earring to match that modern feel.

I didn't think the coral needed any accompanyment because I thought that they could speak for themselves. The earrings I created have a simple, elegant, but edgy feel to them. And the sleek shiny silver contrasts with the matte beads.

But you have to admit that they are an incredible contrast to the earrings I posted yesterday!

JANUARY 28 UPDATE: The coral earrings were just listed in my shop today.


  1. Oh! The color is magnificent!

    I really enjoy your blod and your etsy shop is lovely as well!

  2. Hiay, I just bought a pair of earrings, but I think I bungled the payment thingy, I don't remember doing paypal before. Let me know if there are probs.
    Corrine B aka jafabrit

    Beautiful work. I visited your shop from w.j.'s blog.

  3. adobesol,
    Thanks so much! I've gotten a real kick out of writing this blog. I should have started one years ago!

  4. jafabrit's art,
    Uh oh. You're right. The PayPal didn't work. I'll try to email you.

    (And thanks so much for visiting my blog and my shop!)

  5. BEAUTIFUL! I love those coral earrings.
