Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jan 10th is Delurker Day !

Mr. Rude Cactus has declared today to be Delurker Day.
I wasn't blogging the last time this was declared, but I'm going to make an effort this year to celebrate. Basically -- stop just reading blogs and actually comment on something! So, to all readers who haven't introduced yourselves: Stop by and say hello. Yes, that means you. Yes, you over there. Go ahead. That's right.
(thanks to Greeblemonkey for the graphic .)


  1. Haha, funny. I love the graphic. I was planning on leaving a comment anyway! lol. I am new to the blogging world and I just want to say that I love your blog!

  2. Thanks for introducing yourself to our blog! I love your wire work, and the delurker pic is too funny. Thanks for introducing the idea for delurker day!

  3. Thank you so much for participating in Delurker Day! It's a great way for getting to know everyone and their blogs.

    Everytime someone comments, I can click on their link and check out their blog - and I do!

  4. Happy Delurking Day...uh, slightly late.
