Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's January 9th. Have you put your Xmas decorations away yet?

I've really got to get around to it.


  1. Oh and so do I! You can't imagine how much.

  2. wow, that's a pretty flash car!!

    I have just discovered your blog via a comment you left on mine- thanks! :o)

    I love your jewellery btw, and am completely in love with the 'unfurling' earrings- just gorgeous!

  3. Thanks for the compliments on the earrings and the car!(Oh and you can't tell from the photos, but it's a convertible.)

    With 2 of my kids driving, I was able to downsize from a MINI-van, to a MINI Cooper.

  4. Hello fellow Mini Cooper Driver! I'm in the DC Area (Etsian) AutumnLeavesJewelry, we used to autocross our sweet 2002 Mini, now she just goes motorin! ;-) I have a pic of me and my Mini on my blog from the "grid" in the race days from last summer...oh the memories!
