Thursday, January 3, 2008


"...he was here just a minute ago."



  1. How fun! My kids love to watch the birds. Our collection of feeders is ever-growing. =) They are fascinated by the mockingbird and his love of apples this week.
    Regina (Lexi)

  2. hello! nice to see a new face at my blog! this is a cute picture! last summer i was photographing baby wrens who had just left their bird house and then were just bee bopping all over my yard - so i got my camera out. one of them was in a pine tree on the end, so with my zoom lens i got in nice and close and then all of a sudden he was gone! but as i lowered my camera, i realized he had jumped onto my camera. it was so cute. the picture i did take of him was right before he hopped onto the lens, so you can see his back end at the top of the picture. quite funny. when i had my husband come outside and told him what happened and showed him the little bird, i put my lens in close again to show him - and darn if the little guy didn't do it again!
